The Trendy community

A Growth-Minded Team

Trendy members are all focused on improving together using the Trendy Methodology. If you're looking for a positive, helpful group of traders who won't leave you out to dry, Trendy Trading is for you.
“Jon - I wish there was a way for me to quantify how much your insight and this room have saved me [during a tricky market]. Just having a group to turn to that can help navigate these confusing times is worth everything. Your calm, steady leadership and insight (along with others here) has been very helpful."
Jennifer Bryan
@JMB in the chatroom
“If there was ever a week to show the true value of being in this group (it's true every week of course) it has to be this one. So much calm and like today that key level Jon shared on AAPL and our favorite PMZ gives us the conviction we need. Goes from a small loss into a big win and no panic or emotion. Really grateful to be a part of this."
Tom Shelley
@TomShelley in the chatroom

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